Trees and Shrubs | Outdoor Designs

Our Tree and Shrub Program for Knoxville covers 6 rounds of service.  We utilize horticultural oil sprays, root zone fertilizer and micronutrient drenches, a comprehensive  insect and disease control prorams, and a fall root zone drench fertilization.

Trees and Shrubs – Horticultural Oil

This treatment smothers insects and insect eggs.  It is a natural product that minimizes environmental impact while still keeping insect populations in check.

Knoxville trees and shrubs

Trees and Shrubs – Spring Fertilization

Your plant material will be fertilized with a full, balanced fertilizer. The material we found most effective is a highly specialized product designed to deliver maximum aesthetics. The formulation contains a balance of 11-8-5 NPK plus boron, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt and molybdenum. The minor elements are EDTA chelated, which enhances their effectiveness.  This product will send your trees and shrubs into a state of thrival not merely survival.

Trees and Shrubs – Insect and Disease Control

Late spring and early summer is the time to control insects and disease before they do damage.  Bagworms, aphids, and mites are in the early stages of growth and may not be visible at this time.

knoxville trees and shrubs

Maple Bladder Gall caused by mites

All types of insect activity occurs in summer months.  The timing and materials utilized in our program are designed to give you the maximum impact for controlling damaging insect populations.

The later months of summer may bring disease problems depending upon the heat level.

knoxville trees and shrubs

Bagworms on a Leyland

We utilize an ever changing rotation of contact and systemic materials to stay ahead of issues.

Trees and Shrubs – Fall & Winter Root Drench Fertilization

Fall is often underrated when it comes to plants and fertility.  In fact, fall feedings, whether it be turf or trees and shrubs, has a greater overall impact than fertility applications in spring!

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to have a professional inspect your trees and shrubs before they’re ever sprayed.  Here at Outdoor Designs, Matt Martin is certified and licensed in horticulture, lawn, and turf applications.  He’d love to look at your lawn or trees and shrubs and formulate a specific, custom program for you!

Contact us today.

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Trees and Shrubs
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